
The PRP Vampire Facial: A Guide to Regenerating Skin with Platelet-Rich Plasma

The PRP Vampire Facial: A Guide to Regenerating Skin with Platelet-Rich Plasma


The pursuit of youthful, radiant skin has led to the development of various innovative skincare treatments. In recent years, the PRP Vampire Facial has emerged as a popular procedure in the realm of non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Utilizing the rejuvenating and regenerative qualities of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), this facial treatment revitalizes and renews the skin. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the science behind the PRP Vampire Facial, explore its wide range of benefits, discuss the procedure itself, highlight potential side effects, and provide valuable insights for those considering this revolutionary treatment.

Understanding the PRP Vampire Facial

The PRP Vampire Facial, also referred to as the PRP Facial or PRP Microneedling, is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure specifically designed to enhance the appearance and texture of the skin. This innovative treatment combines the principles of microneedling and PRP therapy to stimulate collagen production, promote skin rejuvenation, and address a variety of common skin concerns. By harnessing the power of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), the PRP Vampire Facial offers a holistic approach to skin revitalization.

The Science behind the PRP Vampire Facial

At the heart of the PRP Vampire Facial is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. This therapy involves the extraction of a small sample of the patient’s own blood, which is then processed to concentrate the platelets. Platelets are rich in growth factors and cytokines, which possess significant regenerative and healing properties crucial for tissue regeneration. When the concentrated platelets are applied to the skin during the PRP Vampire Facial, they initiate a cascade of biological responses that stimulate collagen production, enhance cellular turnover, and promote tissue repair.

The growth factors and cytokines present in PRP act as signalling molecules, triggering the body’s natural healing processes. These substances promote the development of new blood vessels, improve blood flow to the treated area, and increase the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential proteins for maintaining healthy and youthful-looking skin. The PRP Vampire Facial proves to be highly effective in targeting various skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, uneven texture, and lackluster complexion.

By combining microneedling with PRP therapy, the PRP Vampire Facial enhances the overall efficacy of the treatment. Microneedling creates tiny microchannels on the skin’s surface, which allows for better absorption and penetration of the PRP. This synergy between microneedling and PRP amplifies the benefits, promoting optimal skin rejuvenation and providing long-lasting results.

Moreover, PRP is a safe and minimally invasive procedure since it utilizes the patient’s own blood. This reduces the risk of adverse reactions or complications, making it a suitable option for individuals seeking natural and holistic skin rejuvenation.

Overall, PRP offers a scientifically-backed approach to skin revitalization. By utilizing the regenerative properties of Platelet-Rich Plasma, this treatment promotes collagen synthesis, cellular turnover, and tissue repair, resulting in a more youthful and vibrant complexion. In the following sections, we will explore the procedure itself, address common questions and concerns, and provide valuable insights for those considering the PRP Vampire Facial as a solution to their skincare needs.

Q & A

Is the PRP Vampire Facial a painful procedure?

While pain tolerance varies among individuals, a topical anesthetic is typically applied before the procedure to minimize discomfort. Most patients report mild sensations during the treatment.

What skin concerns can the PRP Vampire Facial address?

By enhancing skin texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, minimizing acne scars, evening out skin tone, and promoting overall skin rejuvenation, PRP proves to be a highly effective treatment.

How long does a PRP session take?

The procedure usually takes about 60-90 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area and individual needs.

How many PRP sessions are needed to see results?

Typically, a series of three to four sessions, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, is recommended to achieve optimal results. However, individual results may vary.

Is the PRP Vampire Facial suitable for all skin types?

Yes, PRP is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. However, it’s important to consult with a qualified provider to assess any specific concerns or contraindications.

Are there any potential side effects of the PRP Vampire Facial?

Common side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, or mild bruising at the treatment site. These typically subside within a few days.

How long do the effects of the PRP last?

The longevity of the effects may vary depending on individual factors such as age, lifestyle choices, and skincare regimen. Regular maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain and enhance the results.

Can PRP be combined with other treatments?

PRP can be complemented with other treatments, including dermal fillers or laser therapies, to enhance and expand the scope of the results. However, it’s essential to consult with a qualified provider to determine the suitability and safety of combination treatments.

Q9: Is there any downtime associated with the PRP Facial?

While there may be some mild redness and swelling immediately after the procedure, downtime is minimal, and most individuals can resume their regular activities immediately following the treatment. However, it’s important to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by the practitioner to ensure optimal healing and results.

Q10: Are there any contraindications for PRP?

PRP is generally safe; however, there are a few contraindications to consider. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as blood disorders or active infections, may not be suitable candidates for the procedure. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are also advised to postpone the treatment. It is crucial to consult with a qualified provider to determine if the PRP Vampire Facial is appropriate for your specific circumstances.

About PRP Therapy Clinic is a premier destination for the PRP Vampire Facial, offering this cutting-edge treatment at their Toronto and Richmond Hill clinics. With a commitment to excellence, provides exceptional service and delivers remarkable results in skin rejuvenation. At, clients have access to a team of experienced professionals who specialize in PRP therapy and are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

What sets apart is their commitment to affordability and providing value to their clients. They offer special pricing options for the PRP Vampire Facial, allowing individuals to choose a package that suits their needs and budget. For those looking for a single session, the price is attractively set at $497, providing an opportunity to experience the benefits of the PRP Vampire Facial without a long-term commitment. For those seeking more comprehensive results, offers a package of three sessions at $1397, allowing for a more extended treatment plan. Additionally, they provide a package of six sessions at $2400, providing the best value for individuals who wish to undergo a more intensive PRP Vampire Facial regimen.

At, clients can rest assured that they are in the hands of skilled professionals who prioritize safety, comfort, and optimal results. The facility is equipped with cutting-edge amenities and utilizes state-of-the-art PRP technology to provide exceptional care. Furthermore, the team at takes the time to understand each client’s unique needs and goals, offering personalized treatment plans to address specific concerns and provide the most effective outcomes.


The PRP Vampire Facial offers a revolutionary approach to skin rejuvenation and regeneration. By harnessing the healing properties of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), this non-surgical procedure stimulates collagen production, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves skin texture, and addresses various skin concerns. The PRP Vampire Facial has become a popular choice due to its safety and effectiveness, with minimal downtime and suitability for all skin types. However, it is important to consult with a qualified provider to determine the suitability of the procedure for your individual needs. Through the PRP Vampire Facial, you can unlock the potential for radiant, youthful-looking skin and embrace a renewed sense of confidence.

By choosing for the PRP Vampire Facial, clients can benefit from the expertise of a trusted provider in the Toronto and Richmond Hill areas. With their commitment to affordability, exceptional service, and impressive results, has established itself as a leading destination for individuals seeking the transformative effects of the PRP Vampire Facial. Through their specialized treatments and attractive pricing options, aims to make the rejuvenating benefits of the PRP Vampire Facial accessible to a wider range of individuals.


How does PRP injection work, and what is it?

How does PRP injection work, and what is it?

Introduction to understanding PRP injection

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a blood preparation that has garnered traction as a therapeutic agent in recent years. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a platelet concentrate derived from the patient’s blood. It contains numerous growth factors and bioactive proteins crucial in tissue repair and regeneration. A simple blood draw is followed by centrifugation to separate the distinct types of blood cells. Then, the resultant platelet concentrate is injected into the afflicted area to promote recovery.

Production of PRP

PRP preparation entails a series of stages crucial to the final product’s efficacy. Blood is typically drawn from the arm of the patient in the initial phase. The blood sample is then inserted in a centrifuge that spins rapidly to separate the various types of blood cells. After the initial rotation, the platelet-containing plasma is separated from the red and white blood cells. The plasma is then spun a second time to concentrate the platelets further. Finally, the resultant PRP concentrate is injected into the afflicted area to promote healing.

Action mechanism

PRP unleashes growth factors and bioactive proteins essential for tissue repair and regeneration. The increased concentration of growth factors stimulates cell growth and the formation of new blood vessels, both vital for wound healing. The PRP also contains cell adhesion molecules, aiding stem cell recruitment to the injured area. Once stem cells arrive, they differentiate into the proper cell type and promote tissue repair.

Medical Applications

PRP has numerous medical applications, including orthopedics, dermatology, dentistry, sports medicine, neurology, ophthalmology, and plastic surgery.

Constraints and Dangers

While PRP has shown promise in treating various conditions, there is insufficient evidence to support its efficacy in most instances. In addition, PRP therapy outcomes highly depend on the age, health, and severity of the patient’s injury. Furthermore, PRP therapy may not be appropriate for all patients, and there are dangers associated with the procedure, such as infection, pain, and bleeding.

PRP Injection: Therapeutic Applications


PRP has been utilized to treat numerous orthopedic conditions, including knee osteoarthritis, ruptured tendons, and ligament injuries. PRP’s elevated concentration of growth factors can stimulate tissue repair and regeneration, which is essential to healing. Platelet-rich plasma injections are administered directly to the injured area to expedite recovery.


As a cosmetic treatment for wrinkles and hair loss, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has acquired popularity. PRP injections are administered to the scalp in hair loss cases to stimulate hair growth. The increased concentration of growth factors encourages hair growth and enhances the condition of existing hair.


In dentistry, PRP has been utilized to promote tissue regeneration and repair. For example, dental implant procedures, bone grafting, and periodontal surgery encourage healing and reduce infection risk.

Athletics Medicine

PRP has been used to treat numerous sports-related injuries, such as muscle strains and ligament fractures. PRP’s increased concentration of growth factors can expedite the healing process and decrease the danger of further injury.


PRP has been studied as a potential treatment for neurological disorders, such as proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The elevated concentration of growth factors in PRP can facilitate the growth and repair of soft tissues, such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles. PRP is a popular treatment for sports injuries like muscle strains, ligament sprains, and tendon fractures. It has also been utilized in treating chronic conditions, including tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, and knee osteoarthritis. Injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) have acquired popularity in sports medicine due to their ability to accelerate recovery and allow athletes to resume regular activity sooner. Many renowned athletes, such as Tiger Woods and Kobe Bryant, have used PRP therapy to aid in their recovery from injuries.

In addition to its applications in sports medicine, PRP has been utilized in other medical disciplines. For example, injections of PRP have been used to treat hair loss and creases in dermatology. PRP can stimulate hair growth in individuals with androgenic alopecia by increasing blood flow to hair follicles and promoting the multiplication of hair follicle cells. In addition, PRP can stimulate collagen production for wrinkles and enhance skin texture and elasticity.

In dentistry, PRP has been used to promote tissue regeneration and growth. For example, it can accelerate the healing process following oral surgery and regenerate bone and soft tissue in the mouth.

Neurology is another discipline that has demonstrated an interest in PRP usage. For example, PRP may be advantageous in the treatment of certain neurological conditions, such as proliferative diabetic retinopathy, by stimulating the development of new blood vessels in addition to enhancing the blood flow to the affected area; this treatment reduces inflammation.

The use of PRP has also been investigated within the field of ophthalmology. It has been utilized to treat various eye conditions, including dry eye syndrome, and promote corneal lesions’ healing.  PRP has also been utilized in plastic surgery to facilitate tissue regeneration and repair. In addition, it has been used to treat incisions, burns, and scars and to enhance the results of other cosmetic procedures such as facelifts and breast augmentation.

Advantages and Disadvantages

As with any medical treatment, PRP has both benefits and drawbacks.

Positives of PRP

One of the most significant benefits of PRP is that it utilizes the patient’s blood cells, eliminating the danger of rejection or allergic reaction. Furthermore, the PRP procedure is minimally invasive and can be performed in an outpatient setting so that patients can rapidly return to their normal activities. In addition, PRP is a natural substance containing bioactive proteins and growth factors that can promote tissue repair and regeneration.

Disadvantages of PRP

Insufficient scientific evidence exists to support the efficacy of PRP in some instances, which is one of its primary drawbacks. While numerous studies have yielded encouraging results, additional research is required to fully comprehend PRP’s efficacy in treating various conditions. In addition, the entire procedure, from the blood draw to the injection, can be time-consuming. Multiple sessions may be required to attain the intended results in certain instances.

Potential Risks

A few potential hazards are associated with PRP therapy, despite the treatment’s general safety. Pain, edema, and bruising at the injection site are typical adverse effects. In uncommon instances, infection or nerve injury may occur. Before undergoing PRP treatment, patients should discuss the potential risks and benefits with their doctor.

Price, Supply, and Regulation

Cost of the PRP procedure

The price of PRP therapy can vary based on the treatment type, area, and several sessions required. The cost of PRP injections per session can range from several hundred to thousands of dollars. Depending on the specific insurance plan and the ailment being addressed, insurance coverage for PRP treatments can vary. Certain medical conditions, such as knee osteoarthritis and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, may be covered by the cost of PRP treatments under specific insurance policies. Nevertheless, insurance plans typically do not cover PRP as a cosmetic procedure. Patients should contact their insurance provider to ascertain if PRP therapy is covered under their policy.

The cost of PRP treatments can vary depending on the treatment area and the number of sessions required. Due to the additional preparation and apparatus necessary, PRP treatments are typically more expensive than conventional treatments. However, the cost of PRP treatments may be justified for patients seeking a more natural and effective alternative to traditional therapies.

PRP therapy - PRP hair treatment Toronto - PRP Treatment


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment availability also differs based on location and provider. PRP treatments are more broadly accessible in major metropolitan areas, and board-certified dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other medical professionals may offer them. Patients must always ensure they are receiving PRP therapy from a qualified and experienced medical professional.


Regulatory concerns and requirements for PRP treatment differ from country to country. PRP is not currently regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, although the FDA has approved certain PRP injection devices for specific uses. Therefore, patients should always verify that their medical provider utilizes FDA-approved equipment and follows proper safety protocols.

PRP is a promising treatment option for many medical and cosmetic conditions. Even though there is still much to learn about the efficacy of PRP, current scientific evidence suggests that it can play a significant role in facilitating healing and tissue repair. As research continues and new developments emerge, PRP will likely become an even more popular and versatile treatment option for in-need patients.


Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that has gained popularity in recent years for its potential to promote healing and tissue repair. PRP is prepared by taking a small blood sample from the patient’s arm and using a second spin to concentrate the platelets and various growth factors found in the patient’s own blood. The resulting rich plasma is then injected into the affected area, where it may play an important role in reducing symptoms and promoting healing. While PRP has been used successfully in famous athletes for torn tendons and other types of tissue damage, there is not enough evidence to support its effectiveness in treating stress-related hair loss. However, many people, including women, have reported positive results from the use of PRP for alopecia. Additionally, PRP has been used in conjunction with hyaluronic acid and local anesthetic to treat osteoarthritis. Health care providers and board-certified dermatologists should be consulted before undergoing any type of PRP treatment.

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PRP hair treatment near me

PRP hair treatment near me

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has proved to be an effective therapy for androgenetic alopecia .This PRP hair treatment near me ,clinic hair loss treatment has shown to be quite effective for many people. Androgenic alopecia is a prevalent, chronic hair loss illness that affects both men and women. It is also known as Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL) and Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL). It causes gradual hair loss and affects up to 80% of males and 40% of women.
Platelet-rich plasma, often known as PRP, is an autologous preparation of platelets in concentrated plasma made from your blood. The current techniques for preparing PRP claim 300-700% enrichment, with platelet concentrations rising to more than 1,000,000 platelets/L.
PRP hair treatment was first used in dermatology when researchers discovered that large concentrations of platelets in plasma cells might enhance hair growth by lengthening the growing phase of the hair cycle. Our platelet-rich plasma (PRP) technician will extract your blood and spin it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and plasma.
The plasma is injected into the scalp where hair loss has occurred using a micro-needling instrument. It usually takes at least three months to observe an improvement. Most customers, both male and female, should anticipate a 25% to 40% boost in hair growth. PRP Therapy for alopecia is most effective if your hair loss happened within the last 5 years. It is more difficult to stimulate hair follicles that have been inactive for a long period.
Recent research found a substantial decrease in hair loss between the first and fourth injections. Hair count rose from 71 hair follicular units on average to 93 hair follicular units. As a result, the mean increase is 22.09 follicular units per cm2.
Makes Use of Your Blood
The process is reasonably safe since PRP hair treatment works by injecting regenerating plasma from platelets obtained from your blood into your scalp.
Non-Invasive Surgery
PRP hair therapy, instead of hair transplant, is a non-invasive process. There is no downtime or lengthy recuperation period after the treatment. The only painful part of the process is the blood draw and injection, which is normally done using a micro-needling device.
Therapy that works
Many research have shown the efficacy of PRP hair therapy for alopecia. According to a 2015 research, patients who had PRP injections every 2 to 3 weeks for 3 months saw an increase in the quantity of hairs, the thickness of those hairs, and the strength of the hair roots.
Our PRP hair treatment is quite inexpensive. Individual sessions begin at $597. A bundle of six treatments costs just $399 per treatment.
Suitable for both men and women
Younger men and women are the best candidates. PRP hair therapy is more successful when initiated in the early phases of hereditary hair loss and thinning.
Notable Outcomes
PRP hair treatment benefits are generally seen approximately 3-6 months after treatment. Patients should see an increase in new hair growth, retention, and fuller, thicker hair volume.
Who is a worthy candidate for PRP hair treatment for alopecia?
Men and women experiencing androgenetic hair loss may be suitable candidates for PRP. It is a very safe and successful surgery for most patients. PRP is not suggested if you have underlying health conditions like lupus or thyroid illness. Patients on blood thinners should avoid PRP as well.
PRP for hair loss is a straightforward, low-cost therapy option for men and women with androgenetic alopecia. If you have thinning hair, now is the time to take action to help restore your hair and regain your confidence.

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When you come to realize you are losing hair, in most cases panic will set in first and then likely want to see a hair loss clinic for consultation to start treatment right way to restore your hair. This is all well and good. While fast action is great to prevent additional hair loss, it’s always important from a professional stand point to first measure male pattern hair loss ,how fast you are losing hair before starting treatment.

Fortunately there are a number of classification systems that can help you measure the extent of baldness or hair loss if you live in Toronto and Greater Toronto Area. In Canada, the Hamilton-Norwood Scale is among the more popular scales used to by hair loss clinics and patients to measure alopecia or male pattern baldness syndrome.

With this, the Norwood Scale is very easy to use because it is based on a series of reference images that help easy identification of the various stages or levels of baldness in men. Based on the extent and patterns of your hair loss, the Norwood scale provides seven stages of classification which is referenced against an image showing a specific level and pattern of baldness.


Depending upon which picture matches the patient’s hair loss level and pattern; hair loss technician will have the ability to measures the extent of male pattern baldness and the severity of baldness and suggest the appropriate hair loss treatment for the patient.

At Hair Loss Clinic, We use AAPE Hair Loss Therapy to stop hair loss and provide strategies and options for faster hair growth in Greater Toronto Area.  AAPE is mixture of refined growth factors extracted from human adipose-derived cells conditioned media and induces proliferation of dermal papilla cells of human hair follicles to make hair regrow twice faster. We use AAPE rather than PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma), for Hair Loss, to increase total hair count etc. Contact us today at 647.492.9093 for a free consultation or visit our website here:

During our in-off consultation with clients, perhaps one of the biggest questions we get ask all the time is: Why Do I need To Measure My Hair Loss especially if you are already losing hair?  This is a great question, well one reason to measure hair loss is because it can be deceiving and in fact, we all loss a certain amount of hair daily, weekly, monthly and year. On average men tend to loss 50 to 100 hairs each day so if you notice your hair falling out in the shower, it could be completely natural.

The fact is measuring your hair loss is important because it will help you determine what treatment works best in Toronto and Greater Toronto Area. 


If you are a man living in Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area and believe that you are suffering from male hair loss, then using the Norwood Scale is a good to measure the level of your hair loss. The Norwood Scale has seven stages, ranging from minor hair loss, no hair loss to complete baldness.

  • Stage 1. Is considered the least problematic level of baldness as there is insignificant hair loss nor hairline recession.
  • Stage 2. Generally dubbed the adult or mature hairline. Here, the reference image shows a minor recession of the hairline, primarily near the temple region.
  • Stage 3. Indicates the initial signs of clinically significant balding with a deeply recessed hairline, in V, U or M shape, at both the temples.
  • Stage 4. The severity of hairline recession exceeds that of stage 2, and hair is sparse or absent on the top of the scalp or vertex. A band of hair connects the two bald areas.
  • Stage 5. Here, the area of hair loss in the two spots are bigger than in the previous stage. Although still lying separately, the two bald patches are connected by a thinner and sparser band of hair.
  • Stage 6. The bald areas in the temple zone converge with th bald zone at the vertex. At this stage, the connecting band of hair is virtually non-existent. at the vertex.
  • Stage 7. This stage signifies the highest level of hair loss with barely a band of hair skirting the sides of the head. Hair texture is fine, and its density is also very less.


PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a patient’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp. … Sometimes this approach is combined with other hair loss procedures or medications.

Because PRP therapy involves injecting your own blood into your scalp, there carries a risk of side effects such as injury to blood vessels or nerves, infection, calcification at the injection points, and scar tissue. There is also the chance that you could have a negative reaction to the anesthetic used in the therapy.

The AAPE procedure is safer, easier, cleaner, non-invasive, and painless. AAPE does not require any blood to be taken from you like PRP. There is no anesthetic required for the treatment. PRP in the best condition, contain 10-15 growth factors.


To Conclude:

 There are a number of options available to you in Toronto and Greater Toronto Area to free you from the clutches of male pattern baldness or hair loss.  Some patients use AAPE Hair Loss Treatment while others use PRP to facility faster hair growth and restoration.

PRP is a process in which a quantity of your blood is extracted, then centrifuged and finally injected into your scalp. But for those who don’t particularly fancy the idea of getting their blood drawn and centrifuged for PRP injection, you could explore Advanced Adipose-derived cell Protein Extracts (AAPE) hair care serum.

At Hair Loss Clinic, we provide state of the art AAPE Cell treatment to clients in the GTA. AAPE is fast and superbly effective hair regeneration system that is popular in Ontario. We have 3 locations in Toronto, Toronto Midtown and Richmond Hill area to serve you.  AAPE is ideal for those who have already experienced a PRP treatment but are not happy by the results. Contact us today at 647.492.9093 for a free consultation or visit our website here:




Many times, despite your best efforts you are unable to stop or control hair fall. so (can water quality cause hair loss) You find that even the best hair growth product or hair loss treatment that your money can buy are ineffective and you end up in despair. Take a deep breath, and think clearly for a moment. Perhaps water is the culprit. It’s time to take a closer look at the quality of water you use for shampooing and washing your hair. People lose hair for many reasons and it has been found that the quality of water they use to wash their hair on a daily basis, is a significant factor in hair loss.

So for (can water quality cause hair loss): Let’s examine the different types of water and the likely impact they can have on your hair growth goals. While there are options like PRP treatment, let’s also find out the natural remedies for tackling hair fall due to usage of poor quality of water for hair care. There are certain types of water that are potentially harmful for your hair. Let’s take a closely look at each.

Chlorinated water:

For long, chlorine has been the favorite chemical agent preferred by local governing bodies and civic authorities to rid non-drinking purpose water of pollutants. Even the water in swimming pools is treated with chlorine. However, using chlorinated water regularly for bathing and hair care can leave your hair dry and subsequent hair loss. Before considering a hair transplant, it’s advisable to avoid exposing your hair to the water in swimming pools as well as water treated with chlorine.

Hard water:

In areas where water supply is sourced from ground sources, due to unavailability of fresh water sources, the quality of water is found to have mineral content – calcium and magnesium in particular. Such water is known as hard water and is not suitable for washing your hair or bathing without undergoing adequate purification processes.  When used for bathing and hair care untreated hard water invariably leads to hair damage such as dryness, thinning and breakage of hair. Hard water is also known to facilitate dandruff formation and damage the hair follicles, leading to alopecia and similar conditions.


Rain water:

Technically speaking, rainwater is considered the purest form of water and thus the most suitable form of water to clean and maintain our hair. But unfortunately, present day pollution levels are adding acidity and toxicity to rain water too. Pollutant-laden rainwater is a major cause of hair-related woes. Regular exposure to such rain water can result in itchy scalps and hair fall. The pollutants in rain water are also capable of weakening the hair strand and render them fragile.

Salt water:

Who doesn’t love the beach? The sand and the surf sure make you feel good. But the high salt content in the sea water as well as the ambient air are bad for the skin and hair. Prolonged exposure to sea water is likely to get your hair all dry and brittle. Cover your head when you enter the water and also rely on a conditioner for hair repair, post your beach side pleasures.

5 Natural Tips for Hair Loss Growth!

When we know that water is the factor behind hair loss, we can try a few kitchen herbs to reverse the effect. Some of these herbs contain the elements that hair growth vitamins contain too:


A rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C, gooseberry extract has been found effective in containing baldness and hair loss. Simply mix gooseberry juice with lime juice and dilute the mixture with water to concoct a hair mask for your scalp. Wash it away after an hour and see your hair glow and shine!


A common member in most kitchen cabinets, fenugreek is replete with components that are good for hair follicle health. It helps contain hair loss and promotes hair growth. A simple remedy would be to grind fenugreek seeds into a paste which can be applied to the hair. An hour later, simply rinse your hair in cold water. Follow this routine for a few weeks and you’ll be able to see positive results.


Beetroot juice is loaded with nutrients ranging from carbohydrates and protein to phosphorus, vitamins B and C, which are essentials for hair health. You can even use beetroot leaves to care your hair. Simply crush the leaves and apply the juice to your scalp to get hair that’s smooth and silky.

Onion juice:

The high sulfur content in onion juice helps boost blood circulation to the hair follicles on your scalp. This helps rejuvenate the follicle growth along with reducing inflammation. Onion juice also possesses good anti-dandruff properties. Simply crush an onion and smear its juice to your scalp. Half an hour later wash your hair with a gentle shampoo to get rid of the odor along with the dandruff.


Coconut oil is popular as a hair oil in parts of India and other parts of Asia. While it may not be practical to apply coconut oil in all environments, the fact remains that coconut has the essential nutrients and minerals necessary present in hair vitamins. You could try diluting coconut milk with some water and applying the mixture to your scalp. After keeping it on overnight, shampoo away the scalp mask the next morning.


Solutions for Hair Loss:

The impact of water on hair is reversible and once you take appropriate measures you can expect your hair to regain its lost glory. But if the situation doesn’t improve, you need to evaluate treatment options for addressing the root cause with an appropriate baldness cure.

Today, techniques ranging from hair transplant to Platelet Rich Plasma therapy or PRP for hair loss treatment are available for relieving hair fall and hair loss problems. PRP treatment involves centrifuging a small quantity of your own blood and injecting it into your scalp.

But if you’re not too enthused by the prospect of deploying blood for a PRP injection, a better alternative, called Advanced Adipose-derived cell Protein Extracts (AAPE) is gaining in popularity.  A very effective hair regeneration and non-invasive therapy, AAPE has more than 500,000 satisfied customers worldwide. AAPE’s popularity is growing with every passing day. And if you have already tried out PRP for tackling hair loss, you still can try out the AAPE therapy.

If you’re a resident of the Greater Toronto Area, our Hair Loss Clinics are conveniently located and easily accessible in Toronto and Richmond Hill area. So even if you have already taken a PRP for hair loss, you can still benefit from AAPE Hair Therapy consultation at our Hair Loss Clinics in Toronto and Richmond Hill. To Book your in-office consultation, please contact us at 647-492-9093 or visit our website to book a free professional consultation here: